Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ulua at Pearl

We are at Pearl and Hermes Atoll and the diving continues to be amazing. The water here is much clearer than at the last two islands and we keep finding a fish called Ulua at most of the dive sites. The picture is from a recent dive. They’re certainly nothing that we’re worried about, but I have been watching out for my snorkel and wearing a hood. If they get persnickety, Ulua have been known to steal snorkels and bite at hair in the past. This morning, while transiting to the dive site, the Ulua were evidently attracted by the jets of the small boat so we were greeted by a school of about 50 on our first dive. They hung around us for the entire dive and even followed the boat for a bit to the second site. If you are looking at the picture wondering whether it is a trick of the camera that the fish appear almost as big as the diver, trust me, it’s not. Some of the big ones are almost as long as a diver.

We have also come far enough north and late enough into the fall that morning dive prep now begins before sunrise. I have been enjoying watching the sunrise as I’m getting gear ready in the mornings.

I hope all is well with you and that you’re having a chance to enjoy the fall a bit.

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