Thursday, September 18, 2008

Green bottom clouds

We left French Frigate Shoals yesterday having had some of the most beautiful weather I have seen in a long time.  Blue skies, calm seas, and puffy white clouds all around.  For those of you who haven't spent much time in the tropics, there is a beautiful phenomenon which can occur around atolls, banks, or anywhere else you have crystal clear water, bright sun, and sand on the seafloor.  The sunlight passing through the water is reflected by the white sand at the bottom of the lagoon back up through the water and casts a bright turquoise green glow on the bottom of the clouds floating over the lagoon.  It is a spectacular sight, giving the whole scene that little extra bit of beauty.

Today was our first day at Maro Reef.  Not one of my favorite places as it is where I was flipped in a small boat 7 years ago. Today was beautiful, however, with flat calm seas yet again.  There is no emergent land here, just fingers of reef stretching up to within a foot of the surface.  We have have been spending our time weaving in and out of these finger but staying out of the maze of spaghetti making up the interior of the reef.  One could easily get lost in there and spend hours trying to find the way out.

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